TCTY collaborated with ND Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program and ND Behavioral Health to develop a website for the training of the trauma screening tool: The University of Minnesota’s Traumatic Stress Screen for Children and Adolescents (TSSCA). Unrecognized and untreated child traumatic stress can lead to the development of trauma-related symptoms. These symptoms canRead more
This website highlights circumstances that increase suicide risk, circumstances that protect against suicide risk, warning signs, and the suicide and crisis lifeline. Visit the WebsiteRead more
This resource is a StrongHearts Native Helpline is a 24/7 safe, confidential and anonymous domestic and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives, offering culturally-appropriate support and advocacy. Visit the WebsiteRead more
This website resource reviews history, healing and an overview of goal moving forward for anti-racist, trauma informed organizations. Visit the WebsiteRead more
This resource from the National Native Child Trauma Center provides information about the medicine wheel and how culture is a protective factor - a blog post and video is provided here. Read more