Project REACH

Project REACH is led by Treatment Collaborative for Traumatized Youth (TCTY) housed within Sanford Research North and represents a consortium of organizations with the shared mission of Reducing barriers, Expanding access, and Advancing trauma care for Children to Heal in North Dakota.

REACH aims to increase access to trauma-focused, evidence-based treatments (EBTs) for underserved/under-resourced children (3-18) and families impacted by trauma in ND.

To increase access, REACH will address behavioral health disparities, reduce barriers to access and engagement in trauma EBTs, and improve frameworks for sustainability.

Looking for Trauma Therapy?

If you have experienced a significant event, trauma, loss and are looking
for a trauma trained clinician, contact one of the REACH organizations
or one of the clinicians from the TCTY ROSTER.

REACH Organizations

Sanford Traumatic Stress Treatment Center
Fargo, ND
(701) 234-4585

Red River Children’s Advocacy Center
Fargo, ND
(701) 478-2322

Dakota Children’s Advocacy Center
Bismarck, ND
(701) 323-5626

Project REACH Goals

Goal 1

Reduce barriers and increase access to trauma services throughout the rural and frontier regions of North Dakota with equitable care delivery as core consideration.

Goal 2

Advance trauma care practices and network of treatment providers in North Dakota through training, consultation, and statewide and national collaboration.

Goal 3

Increase professional and community trauma awareness and engagement using outreach education and media strategies.


  • Nicola Herting, PhD, Project Director
  • Leslie Laam, PhD, Data Director
  • Ann Erickson, BS, Data Manager
  • Corinne Luther, LBSW, Lead Project Coordinator
  • Paula Condol, MS, Telehealth Director
  • Emily Sargent, PhD, Cultural Diversity Director
  • Julia Bartholomay, BS, Project Coordinator
  • Eneida Vilella, MA, DCAC Team Lead
  • Raelyn Soltis, LBSW, RRCAC Team Lead

This project was made possible by Grant Number H79SM087912 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.