provides a wonderful webpage with information on trafficking prevention. You will find tools & guides, different national programs, training resources, videos and podcasts, and more. Visit the WebsiteRead more
This human trafficking prevention website provides information about what human trafficking is, who to reach out to if you or someone you know is in danger, information on risk factors and protective factors, and more. Check it out! Visit the WebsiteRead more
Youthworks North Dakota has provided some great resources for Fargo and Bismarck unhoused youth. Click below to find out more! Visit the WebsiteRead more
1 in 3 teens in the U.S. experience dating violence. This webpage provides information for teens, parents & caregivers, as well as clinicians or other adults. You will find information on bodily autonomy, age appropriate conversations, what to do if you know someone is experiencing interpersonal dating violence, and so much more! Visit the WebsiteRead more