Child, Adolescent & Adult Treatment
Our roster of agencies and clinicians helps connect professionals and families to those trained in trauma-specific and evidence-based treatments in our region.
Our roster of agencies and clinicians helps connect professionals and families to those trained in trauma-specific and evidence-based treatments in our region.
Description: BYOLL is our monthly event where we ask professionals from multiple different disciplines to come and speak about their expertise and trauma! CEUs AVAILABLE!
Series: Braving the Storm: Building Resilience and Skills to Manage Secondary Trauma and Moral Distress
Topic: Secondary Trauma & Moral Distress ~ It’s Impossible Not to Get Wet
Speaker: Dr. Nicola Herting
When: January 21st at 12pm-1pm CST
Link to access event:
Total Trauma Treatment Learning Collaboratives
Agencies Trained in Learning Collaboratives
Clinicians Included in Learning Collaboratives
Professionals Trained in Trauma Screening